Making Sense Of Technology in Multimedia
You're in the right place if you're curious about how tech and multimedia intersect. On Making Sense Of Technology in Multimedia, I explore everything from photography and videography to live streaming and podcasting. Each episode dives deep into the latest tools, trends, and techniques, breaking complex topics into easy-to-understand insights.
Whether you're a business owner looking to enhance your brand, an influencer wanting to improve your content, or someone passionate about multimedia, I've got tips and practical advice tailored for you. We'll cover the essentials, share expert interviews, and provide step-by-step guides to help you navigate the ever-changing digital landscape.
Join me on this journey to discover the tools and knowledge you need to excel in today's digital world. Together, we'll unlock the secrets of technology-driven multimedia and help you create standout content.
Making Sense Of Technology in Multimedia
Video - Technology Series: Filmpreneur
About This Episode
In this episode, Forrest Tuff is the Founder and CEO of One Vision Productions, an award-winning, multimedia production company whose clientele ranges from small businesses and government agencies to Fortune 100 corporations and he has a major motion picture with 20th Century Fox.
He talks about leaving a legacy and he inspires others to dare and believes that with faith, tenacity, and the right team you can achieve your greatest ambitions.
What to Listen For
- Background on Forrest
- Author of Children's book & upcoming book
- One Vision Productions Business
- Setting Goals
- Growing your Business
- Challenges
- TV Show Host - Tuff Talk
- Multimedia Today
- Giving Back
Check-in with Forrest
- Website: http://www.onevisprod.com/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ForrestTuff
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/ForrestTuff
- Facebook: https://facebook.com/ForrestTuff1
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/forresttuff/
- Tuff Talk Show: https://youtube.com/TuffTalkShow
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Filmpreneur - Forrest Tuff
Daniel: [00:00:00] Welcome back in the last episode, I spoke with a photographer that specializes in relationship photography and previously with two content creators in the Atlanta Metro area. Today, I'm talking with a CEO author talk show, host award-winning film, producer, and storyteller that is motivated by his desire to entertain, teach, and inspire.
This special episode covers multiple areas of multimedia. So stay right here. This episode is sure to inspire and motivate you.
Welcome to the making sense of podcast. This is Daniel Douglas, your host bringing strategies, tips, and interviews, covering technology, photography, video, and all things multimedia. It starts right now on the show with me today, I have the pleasure of having forest tough, the founder and CEO of one vision productions.
An award-winning multimedia agency that specializes in videography photography, graphic design, streaming media, and aerial drone services. Pharmacists, an author professional speaker talk show host, and film producer that has over 180 movie credits to include documentaries, indie films, and a major motion picture with 20th century Fox.
Welcome to Making Sense of Multimedia podcast, Forrest.
Forrest: [00:01:39] Glad to be here. Thank you for having me, Daniel.
Daniel: [00:01:41] Thank you for actually coming on the show Forrest, I was really excited and talking with you. I could really feel about 10 minutes talking about all of the accolades and awards and things that you've done.
That would be a show in itself. So what I want to do is, is start this morning, and let's just start with your background. You're self-taught. Is that correct?
Forrest: Yes.
Daniel: Yes. Self-taught a filmmaker. You won awards and, and you've served in multiple capacities on various sets. So let's start with your filmography.
Forrest: [00:02:21] Yeah. So my background in film really just came from my wanting to tell stories and, you know, always having a cam quarter when I was a kid that came from my mom, she was always video thing. So. Fast forward to when I started getting into the film business, it was one of those things where I wanted to tell stories and I didn't have the traditional understanding of how the film industry works.
But one thing I knew that in order to put it together, you had to film it and it had to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. So with that, I just started to put projects together.
Daniel: [00:03:00] What was your most favorite project that you've done out of everything that you've done? 180 plus movies that you've been involved in, one with, 20th century Fox, which one stood out to you the most and why?
Forrest: [00:03:19] Project I did with the US Department of Justice.
And it was interesting because it stemmed from a government contract. I had one with my company. So we're working with the US Department of Justice, the US attorney's office, and the film is on criminal justice reform, but it didn't originally start out as a film. It was an internal video and I pitched to them the concept of let's make this a documentary, you know, let's package it like a film.
So that process was very interesting because they had never done anything in that space, in that entertainment arena. So navigating that water for me was. A very interesting process because I enjoyed the business aspects of making films and also the creative part. So having to navigate those two waters to create a film of impact was probably one of my most memorable projects.
And for various reasons,
Daniel: [00:04:16] What was the name of that, project?
Forrest: [00:04:18] The film was called Released. When Does The Sentence End?
Daniel: [00:04:22] And what year was that?
Forrest: [00:04:25] It was released in 2017.
Daniel: [00:04:27] Okay. Was that the one with 20th century Fox or
Forrest: [00:04:30] No, that was not the one with 20th century Fox.
Daniel: [00:04:33] So that was just with the Justice Department.
Forrest: [00:04:35] That was a US Justice Department.
Daniel: [00:04:38] With everything that's going on now with the current attorney general and not getting into politics, but, you had the, I guess. Vision to put together something like that and pitch it to the justice department. was there a particular reason why you chose that topic?
Forrest: [00:05:00] Yeah. Well, there was someone who worked in that department and the community outreach department that had a passion in that arena and we've worked together for several years. So when that opportunity came about, we had that, that conversation about. If that could possibly happen and bringing my expertise as a filmmaker to really try to bring awareness to this platform was something that they were part of.
And they believed in the process and yeah, I had the resume and skills to actually make a great pitch. And when we did together, that came about that opportunity came about. And what was amazing to me about this film is that. It's like, there's something you're creating, you're molding. And I think that's the biggest part that made this so impactful is that you had a lot of say-so in how the outcome of this happen now, of course, you had to, you had to stay within the parameters of the [00:06:00] office to make sure their shareholders and their stakeholders and people were satisfied with the project, but it was such a tremendous project and has so much impact on a national level.
Daniel: [00:06:10] The way you're describing it. And I can, I guess, relate to that when I'm behind my camera, I really get lost in what I'm doing. And it's almost like I'm birthing a child. And it sounds to me like, that's the same thing you did, especially with this film.
Forrest: [00:06:31] Yeah.
Daniel: [00:06:32] It's just amazing. And that leads me to one thing that when I was looking at your, your biography and doing some research on you, I constantly saw that you have this hope and desire to leave a legacy that inspires others.
And what you say is to dare, to dare, and believe that with faith and tenacity and the right team, you can [00:07:00] achieve great ambitions.
Forrest: [00:07:02] Right?
Daniel: [00:07:03] So, having said all of that and moving on, you're also an author as if you don't have a lot of other things to do. So you wrote a children's book. tell me about that.
Forrest: [00:07:18]So it's inspired by my kids. So, you know, I have, I have three daughters, right. And a lot of times that storytelling comes into place, you know, it's time to put them to bed. I would tell these grand stories that I would make up in my mind and I just watched them your eyes. You know, wide open, like dad finished the story and I'm like, nope, tomorrow.
And I remember they share with me, they said, Hey, can you put this in a book? So we could always have it. And that was the inspiration for the children's books. You know, that came from a place of motivation from my own children. And when I decided to now put together a book, I wanted to make something that actually once again, going back to that word legacy that had an impact and [00:08:00] my market was to get it into early.
Childhood learning for kids. And so I was able to get the book in the school system
Daniel: [00:08:06] Was that national and just in the Atlanta,
Forrest: [00:08:09]That was in the Atlanta market in Georgia just to get it into the the County school systems.
Daniel: [00:08:14] But what was the name of the book?
Forrest: [00:08:16] Things I like 3D.
Daniel: [00:08:19] And you just made that up.
Forrest: [00:08:21] Yeah. Just made it up in
Daniel: [00:08:23] And your kids believed that two I bet.
Forrest: [00:08:24] They loved it. I mean, they love it. I mean, cause you think about it, man. It's like. That is the thing I think for us, for me as a man that brought out another side of myself and to, to see them, the validation of my daughters and just watching them, you know, believe that I can do something.
It, it really made it possible for me to get to the finish line. I was able to put this book together. Within a three month period from writing to illustration to making sure that it met with the school systems. And [00:09:00] here's the thing about the catch was the book was in 3d, you got three-D glasses and an MP3, but you know, it's key it's so, you know, they're going to lose the three-D glasses.
Right. So you flip the book over and it's instantly, the same thing just without the glasses. Well, yeah, so that was the inspiration and it was just fun. When they saw it, you know what? I get to come to their schools as like author of the month and read it their school. It was just amazing to see that happen. So that was really the sole inspiration.
It spawned into something else,
Daniel: [00:09:30] You know, in talking about children. I know you have three daughters, as you mentioned. and I have a daughter as you and I talked about off Mike and I grew up in a house with five sisters. And a mother, my father passed away when I was 12. So, it, it, wasn't easy growing up in a house, the only boy in the house growing up, w with all those, girls and women in the house.
Yeah. And I'm going to speak to that a little bit later on in the podcast because there was something that in researching that I saw that stood out to me. So we'll talk about that, in a little bit. Okay, but you're working on a new book. Is that right? Yes, I am. And what's, what's that about? Can you talk about that book?
Forrest: [00:10:19] Yeah. So the book that I'm working on now stems more from my motivational speaking. And so it's live to make an impact. That's the name of the book and it's more or less talking about leaving a legacy, you know, making sure that what you do in this life. Try to make an impact somewhere, whether it's for your family or make a difference, and not just live life with no purpose.
And I think that's really the gist of the book. If I could say it's like live with purpose and try to make some difference. And it could be simply just in your child's life or in your nephew or friend, but live to make a difference. And that's basically what the [00:11:00] gist of the book is about
Daniel: [00:11:01] Everything that I've read about you and everything that I've listened to and watched and heard you constantly go back to the legacy thing.
Yeah. That, that seems to be prominent in your mind. Where does that come from
Forrest: [00:11:18] Watching history and, you know, you see. Black entrepreneurs or people before us that had to deal with different things or struggles, or just making an impact in society to better society. And I think that's just something that resonated with me.
You know, my father is a pastor and he's been in ministry now for 40 plus years and I grew up watching him and my mother, of course, making a difference in people's lives, you know, doing missionary work, traveling to other countries and. Helping others and making a difference in the community. So I think that's probably where the book came from.
It drew me to other people that were in that same space. [00:12:00] And so I think for me, as I became a man and I started to find purpose, I started to look for purpose. I think that was something that was probably ingrained in me. It's still to me at an early age and now it's just kind of manifested through what I chose to do as a profession and in my personal life.
Daniel: [00:12:18] There's stories abound. And we could sit here again for another 20 or 30 minutes and talking about this, but I do want to move on because we all have stories. We all have stories. I have mine, in growing up, but I want to talk about the business side because the podcast is on multimedia, so right.
Let's talk about the business. You are the CEO of one vision productions. Yes. What is one vision productions?
Forrest: [00:12:52] One vision is a multimedia company. We specialize in video production, graphic design, new [00:13:00] media, streaming media, and also aerial drone services.
Daniel: [00:13:04] And when you say new media, you mean?
Forrest: [00:13:08] Anything online.
Let's say you have. Any type of projects that you're trying to put together that aren't traditional. So let's say anything that's not necessarily on TV, you know, maybe music, podcasts, anything that's delivered digitally.
Daniel: [00:13:24] Yeah. Yeah. And we're going to talk about that too. in a minute, one of the other things that you also do is you, you talk about setting goals all the time and in your speaking engagements, you're always talking about.
Setting goals. I want to play a sound bite on that. from you talking about setting goals
Forrest: [00:13:47] Every year, I like to set goals for myself and my company. I do this by number one, saying it out loud, two writing it down three, go get it done.
Daniel: [00:13:56] Speak about that for a minute.
Forrest: [00:13:58]Hey, I think not taking action leads to procrastination and the steps of number one.
Saying it out loud, you now manifested something, you know, you said something and you believe that, you know, it's different when you keep it in and you just have it as a thought. When, when you say it out, you manifest it. You know, you write down what you want to do because you need to see where you're going.
What's the end game. And for me, the next step is to sensibly. Just go get it done. Start, you know, once you write it down, that's a part of creating your action plan. You know, seeing what the outcome is, and now go start. You know, don't think about it too long. Just go in and find out they're going to be times that everything's not going to work out, but now you go back and make adjustments.
So the gist of it is say it right, do it.
Daniel: [00:14:47] And the reason I brought that up is early on in my career and in my background is in information technology and I've been doing photography for a very long time. [00:15:00] I had a real tough time getting started and getting motivated. I had goals in my head of things, you know, things that I wanted to do, but I never wrote them down and I never got them off the ground.
Forrest: [00:15:12] Right. Right.
Daniel: [00:15:14] And, and talking to some photographers today, doing the global pandemic, they seem to be panicking, about their business. And you and I talked off-camera, not off-camera, but off mic about. What's going on with the pandemic, your business, my business mine is still at a standstill now, but I've have talked to photographers that are viable and making it.
And one of the reasons is that they've set goals for themselves and they executed those goals. You also talked about growing your business and you and I again talked about what that is and what those challenges are. In growing a [00:16:00] business, in today's climate, given the pandemic. And COVID-19
Forrest: [00:16:05] Right.
Daniel: [00:16:06] How are you working that into your processes?
Forrest: [00:16:10] For me, it's about innovation. It's looking at the pandemic from a different lens. It's almost to say, okay, we're in a pandemic. We know what that means. We can't leave. But as a media professional, we're designed for this moment. So now find those opportunities. So I had to stop looking at it as missed opportunities or, you know, the obvious we can't go out and do photography session.
We can't go out and cover a corporate conference initially. Right. But as things change, you have to diversify. You start to have conversations with different contractors. There are some contractors that are willing to go out. They're willing to do work. And at the end of the day, you have to find ways to [00:17:00] continue to do business.
And if you can't go out, there's also editing services. There's also branding services. There's also marketing. There's a number of ways that you continue to make money and you just have to now really focus on those areas and drive your business toes towards the areas that you can make financial gain and work with the people that.
Or that mindset or in that same vein to like, let's go do it, but it all starts with you as the leader. You have to have the mindset that, yes, I understand the pandemic I empathize with everyone's concerns, but now I have to look at who's ready to make changes and who's ready to look at this out of this other land so we can keep going.
Daniel: [00:17:48] Yeah. Because there's been several reports and I, and I follow this stuff. religiously sometimes too much, but it's predicted by [00:18:00] 2024, that 40% of the physical businesses if they don't change and, and look at virtual because virtual presence is not going to go away, the pandemic hopefully will get under control.
The last time we had one, it took. I think nine months to get it under control. And then the big one in 20, 1920, it took us 18 months for that to come under control with all of the new technology out today. the internet of things, virtual reality, augmented reality, the trend seems to be accelerated because of the pandemic and so more and more people are starting.
Yeah, work from home. That's always been around, but it's huge now. And I don't think it's going to change
Forrest: [00:18:53] That's right.
Daniel: [00:18:53] I think, businesses will gain financial strength if they [00:19:00] really, I guess I'm trying to say grasp the virtual side of things. So I know you're doing seminars and public speaking. I know that you have.
Recently been certified as a virtual trainer. Yes. Because you're moving more of your stuff, to, to an online presence. Talk about that for a little bit.
Forrest: [00:19:23] So as a public speaker, you know, you do a lot of traveling and in-person talks. And so when COVID hit immediately, everyone was canceling, you know, so dates were canceled.
Jobs were canceled and you started to see this trend of, okay, we have to go online. So immediately my mind was I have a media background, let me make sure that I look different on camera. So that was the first thing. And so I started to now practice on how to do talks, sitting down, or creating a space.
Where I could stand up and do talks virtually because I said, I think this is going to [00:20:00] happen. And then I found through organizations where you could be certified as a presenter. So I just jumped into these arenas because I said, you know, what, if it's going to happen, I want to be the first one to offer a service.
That's the same. It's just that. Now you have less overhead.
Daniel: [00:20:15] Let me jump in here for a second. Sure. Because one of my first episodes that I've, that I did on making sense of multimedia. I talked to, I guess, a presenter and what he did was explain how to present on camera. And I know I've, I've done video. I'm not a video guru by any means, and I'm trying to get there, but I do know, trying to speak on camera is just you.
Is not the easiest thing to do, but you find yourself having difficulties doing that. And that's why you moved to get certified and learn how to present on camera. Well, to
Forrest: [00:20:59] be honest, I will, I'm a member of this organization called Toastmasters. And so I speak on a regular weekly basis. So that wasn't the issue at that point in time, because I had been with the organization about three years.
So for me, it was just a matter of not having the feedback. And I had to, you know, force myself to it's like talking in the mirror to yourself. Right. You know, and, and, and, and anticipating what the crowd is doing. So you have to get into your space. You have to get into that now, this acting space where you're like, okay, the crowd's laughing at that let's move on.
Daniel: [00:21:34] Yeah. So you really it's the same thing you really had to presenting on camera, right? Because I've, I've done talks in front of sizable groups, not thousands of people, but other people as a director, it's different. When you're on camera, because it, like you said, you don't have that feedback. That's right.
And it's not easy to do. And I'm still trying to, trying to get ahold of it now.
Forrest: [00:22:00] Yeah. And it's not easy when you practice often. It's, you know, it's, there are times when I record myself, you know, you can look at yourself, record yourself, right. And I'll watch it back and I'll look for mannerisms or ticks or megawatt.
I don't like that. I'm doing that, you know, and I'll critique myself and that still happens no matter how comfortable, but the more you. Practice and the more comfortable you get, it resonates with the people watching you. Right. You know, and, and looking into that camera, as opposed to looking at that screen, they feel like I've been told sometimes, you know, it felt like you were talking to me, so you could talk to a hundred, 200 people.
But if you're looking in that camera, everyone feels that individual connection. So this just little things over time that you continually this progress, it's a work in progress.
Daniel: [00:22:46] It is. It is. And it's, again, it's not easy. No, it takes, it takes a lot of work. So yes, the three steps of Forrest Tuff with goal setting. I had to throw that in there.
Daniel: [00:23:09] Let's talk about streaming for a second. Here. I've started looking at streaming media and using, different. Software packages and devices. we're not gonna really get into gear so much. There's a whole plethora of YouTube videos and everything else, everybody talking about gear. Sometimes I get tired of looking at some of them, right.
But, streaming, streaming media. Are you doing it? Are you offering it as a service to clients? What, is your take on streaming, whether it's recorded or live.
Forrest: [00:23:46] Yes, we are offering that. It's something you can do for, you know, churches. Of course, a lot of churches need streaming media because they're doing live broadcasts and they need to have viewers and, you know, for meetings, [00:24:00] things of that nature.
So it is something that we offer. And it's also great for TV shows now. I mean, now, if you want to produce a TV show, you know, there's ways to do it. If you look at all the major networks, You know, the sports channels. You notice that everybody's streaming in during the interviews now because they can't come into studio.
So there are a lot of different applications, but that is a service that we offer. Okay.
Daniel: [00:24:23] And you mentioned about a TV show and you're also a TV host and you have a show called Tuff Talk.
Forrest: Yes. That show focuses on business, community events, politics, technology.
Daniel: I'm assuming it's just in the Georgia or the Atlanta area.
Forrest: [00:24:44] No, we've interviewed people internationally. It started out being something in Georgia, but some of the guests came from other countries and other States. So it started to expand.
Daniel: [00:24:56] I watched not all of them [00:25:00] find it. So I want to make sure that we have that in the show notes. So, people won't have to. dig deep in the digital trashcan like I did to find it.
Yeah. But one of your shows that you talked about that really stood out to me, it really stood out and now I'm flipping back to, I have five sisters. Can I think, and it's the women who mean business. Yes. I watched that one. And, I was intrigued by the two young ladies that you interviewed and I'm going to go back and watch it because as far as each time I watch or listen to something I'm always looking for at least one takeaway, right.
If I can get one takeaway, if it's an hour-long or two hours, if I can get one takeaway from that, it was worth my time. I had [00:26:00] several takeaways by listening to what they were talking about. That show really stood out to me. And it did because I have a daughter, I have five sisters, we all have our backgrounds and what we've done.
One of my sisters, who lives in Philadelphia. Is now the interim president of the urban league that just happened. I think about two weeks ago to me. And I always talk to my daughter about these things too, that you always keep moving forward. And, and those two women really stuck out to me. And I do want to mention one of my other podcast shows, I interviewed a young lady, Gabby diamond key.
Okay. And. What she's doing. We, we had such a great talk. We talked about 15 minutes after the show ended. Just she and I, because she, she did this, this personal project and the personal project [00:27:00] when she was living in New York, it was called bad-ass badass women. And it was about women, female entrepreneurs.
She selected 50 of those. 50, women and she did a photo essay on them. Now she recently moved to Austin and I just saw that she's doing a BA w segment in Austin, and I sent her a text and say, you should take that across the US because I really liked it. So the women who mean business one really stood out to me.
And I know I'm talking a lot and I'll let you go ahead and talk about that one.
Forrest: [00:27:36] Wow. That's great. I think just on a quick note, that's the purpose of the show because you want people to watch it and find meaning. And the reason that show was so important, if many may not know, October is national, women's small business mind.
Right. And I really, like I said, I have daughters, I have sisters, I have a mother now while I love to highlight, then I think it's important [00:28:00] to highlight women that are making a significant impact in our world. And these were two businesswomen that I've worked with. That have been doing phenomenal things.
And when I thought about this episode, they immediately came to mind and it's just interesting. One was an engineer. One is a linguist and just some of the things that they've done in their business and how they continue to evolve and grow, and just the things that they do in so many areas. That's what really drew me because their stories are so interesting to me having worked with
Daniel: [00:28:29] Yeah, they are, they are in the, just jumping in here, the linguist, when she, she couldn't even speak English,
Forrest: [00:28:37] Couldn't even speak it.
Daniel: [00:28:38] And now she, she, speaks what, four or five different languages,
Forrest: [00:28:42] Four or five languages
Daniel: [00:28:43] Fluently
Forrest: [00:28:45] And trained. She was a national certified trainer and has moved on into other things. So just amazed by what they've done.
Daniel: [00:28:52] Those are the things that. Motivate and inspire me. And I hope those who are listening to this podcast show will get some motivation and inspiration from that.
And from what you're doing, as well.
Forrest: [00:29:05] Thank you.
Daniel: [00:29:07] Jumping back to you for a minute. You like to pay it forward. And some folks forget where they came from, forgot what they want to be or want to do, or they don't want to give back. They, they want to take. So you are a business mentor with Score. Yes. I believe you have won some awards from them.
So what do you coach, teach as a mentor for Score.
Forrest: [00:29:37] Business startup that's sustainability, in a nutshell, you know how to get started and how to maintain your business sustainability.
Daniel: [00:29:45] I think I need to talk to you about that separately. I think I could gain something from that. All score areas are not the same. I can attest to that. Okay. Having lived in different areas. I'm now in Northern Virginia, about 35 miles south of Washington DC. And when I tried to, speak with. People at Score in Washington, DC. This was several years ago. My experience was terrible and I ended up not dealing with them at all.
Daniel: [00:30:24] What makes you different as a score mentor?
Forrest: [00:30:27] Well score then itself is diversified.
Originally. It was retired executives, and it was about 99% white males.
Daniel: [00:30:40] Exactly.
Forrest: [00:30:41] So over time, the market has changed and Score is looking to change with the market. So when I joined the organization going on six years ago, now when I started, there was no one that looked like me, but I realized that they had resources [00:31:00] and information that I needed.
Number one, and that I needed to give to my community. So sometimes you have to go into uncharted waters to help be the change that you want to see. And so, as a business owner, I've learned a lot because these were very experienced, smart individuals that had great information and resources and they were willing to give, but sometimes they may not know how to reach out to certain areas.
So that's where you come in, you help spearhead that change. And I think many other mentors in the minority community have done that and score has. Opened up their arms to the change. So that now there is a different feel, or there's a change happening in this organization, organization, which is a resource partner through the SBA, the small business administration.
Daniel: [00:31:49] So the Atlanta Metro area I am familiar with, it seems to be a Mecca, I guess [00:32:00] maybe I can use that word for. African-American entrepreneurs.
Forrest: [00:32:06] Yes, that will be correct.
Daniel: [00:32:08] I know the last, not the last podcast, but one before. I think I mentioned to you before it was two, young men, they call themselves content creators, and they're in the Atlanta Metro area.
And they're really doing their thing, which I was happy about. We had a great conversation. But you also have an initiative that you call paying it forward?
Forrest: [00:32:35] Well, the pay it forward initiative is basically financial resources for local minority nonprofit organizations. So I felt that volunteering is definitely a great resource, but there are also organizations that need money.
So with that, we started this program in 2014, that donates money to local nonprofits that are making a difference in the community and just need some times financial resources to maybe spearhead an organization, spearhead an initiative, you know, or get a program started. So that's where that came from.
Daniel: [00:33:18] Do you look at a specific project or projects that they're working on or, or their business model. How do you select, these, folks?
Forrest: [00:33:29] So on our website, there's a questionnaire in which they have to fill out a lot of information first. So then we can begin the vetting process to look into the organization, check out their back history, check out what they're doing.
We make sure that to the best of our ability, we find organizations that. Are truly doing things. And, and we know that we'll use this money in a way to really help. They're a good steward of the finances. So that's the process. It's not something we just hand select them. They actually have to go through a vetting process and fill out the paperwork and have conversations and interviews to actually win this grant.
Daniel: [00:34:08] And, and what's the website, for folks who want to possibly apply for that.
Forrest: [00:34:15] The company is one vision productions and the website is one vis pride.com. That's O N E V as in Victor. I S as in Sam, P as in Paul, R O D as in david.com, one is pride.com and there's a link for giving back. And then you can find information about the, pay it forward grant,
Daniel: [00:34:40] And we'll make sure we have that in the show notes as well.
Okay. I know you may be busy and have other things to do. I could sit here and talk all day to you until probably a fill up my hard drive with, with the way you, but we touched, we touched just a few areas of, of One Vision, Productions. How can a business nonprofit or government agency, get in touch with you for more information?
Forrest: [00:35:11] You can email me at info at one pride.com. The same as the website or you can contact me by phone (678) 754-2882. That is my personal cell phone.
You can speak with me, Forrest Tuff.
Daniel: [00:35:32] Is there anything that I didn't ask you? What we didn't cover that you would like to put out?
Forrest: [00:35:40] I would like to leave this one thought, whenever you go out to do something, make sure that you are clear on what you want. I'm in business, I'm in the business to make money. I'm not a nonprofit in the sense that I make money to give it [00:36:00] back out.
No, I make money to keep it, but I choose to make sure that I give back because it creates a balance. I think in whatever you do, depending on how you want to go about your business, make sure you know why you're doing it. You know, don't just give, just to say, Oh, I give, you know, do it because there's a purpose.
Maybe there's a reason for it. So whatever you do, I think that final point would be, make sure you know why you're doing it and have purpose in doing what you do.
Daniel: [00:36:29] Forrest. I really do appreciate you coming on the show. like I said, I can sit here and we can just. Chat for another two hours. Yeah. Wow. I know, I know, I know we can talk about other things and I do want to invite you back on the show for maybe some more, detailed conversations about your business and, with, with media and [00:37:00] video in, in detail, in detail.
So with that, I'm going to say again for us. Thank you for being on the show. Make sure ladies and gentlemen that you check out the show notes Forrest has a plethora of things out there. Make sure you go and look at Tuff Talk. Those videos on there are amazing with that. I'm going to get out of here.
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